Product Name: POWER STROKE

Class: Concrete Cleaner, Degreaser

Bank Drive thruPower Stroke is the our industry’s most widely used non-caustic concrete cleaning product. With the addition of optical brighteners Power Stroke leaves behind a cleaner clean and brighter surface. Use Power Stroke pressure washer surface cleaner for service station pads, drive-through areas, sidewalks, parking garages, etc. Power Stroke can also be used as a neutralizing coat after applying acid products to concrete. 

dumpsterIt’s phenomenal degreasing ability makes it a real time saver when cleaning dumpster areas at restaurants as well as bank drive-throughs.


Cleaning tips: ‘CLICK HERE’ 

Mixing Instructions: Read and understand these instructions before starting to mix this product. Use warm water, never hot (not to exceed 120 degrees F.) Warm water helps powders go into solution more easily. On the other hand, hot water will blow apart many of the surfactants contained in the powder. It is possible to use cold water but additional manual agitation may be required. Use a clean poly drum & fill it approximately 30% full with warm water. Place the pressure washer nozzle close to the bottom of the drum and continue filling while adding the powder slowly. When the drum is 70% full all the powder should have been added. Some products contain a Liquid Activator. If this is the case add the Activator when the drum is approximately 80% full. Continue filling until the drum is full. The result is 55 gallons of liquid concentrate.  Allow to cool before use.

Dilutions: The amount you dilute a detergent product depends on many factors and cannot be covered by one statement. The following guideline is a starting point from which you should adjust. Chemical dilution needs to be adjusted because of weather conditions, cleaning difficulty, washing method used (including psi) and whether or not you brush as well as the desired result.

Washing technique: In most cases when cleaning concrete the best dilution is 50/50 or even straight without any dilution. It is always recommended that you run a test pattern first to insure product to surface compatibility. Spray on and allow to dwell for approximately 10 minutes and power wash off. Using a surface cleaning machine is the preferred tool when cleaning concrete. 

Make it a practice to always read and insist your employees read and understand the SDS that accompanies this product. If one did not come with the product visit the website and look under chemical products and download the SDS or e-mail

Packaging: 80 lbs of pure SuperFlo Polymer - Q70 blend.

Buy 1 5-Gallon Power Pak

Makes 5-Gallons of Concentrate


Buy 1 Half Drum Pak

Makes 28-Gallons of Concentrate


Buy 1 55-Gallon Drum Pak

Makes 55-Gallons of Concentrate


Buy 3 55-Gallon Drum Paks

and save 10%


Buy 6 55-Gallon Drum Paks

and save 15%


pH: 12.5-12.7

Caustic: No

Degreaser: Heavy

Gloss Enhancers: Yes

Rinsing: Excellent

SuperFlo Polymer: Yes